Neil Hopcroft

A digital misfit

Book review

Book review: Skandar and the Chaos Trials

[Hardcover, read aloud to Adelle and Nils] Skandar and the Chaos Trials This is the third book in the Skandar series, a series we have been enjoying so far. They are set in a fantasy world where unicorns are found to be real and have magical powers when teamed up with a rider. They are […]

Book review: Overdiagnosed

[Listened as audiobook] This is a book about overdiagnosis of medical conditions, it digs in to the problems of screening and some implications of discovery of “incidental-oma”s, growths seen on a scan but unrelated to the reason for the scan, and other incidental findings. This book has put into perspective some of the things […]

Book review: The Last London by Iain Sinclair

The Last London [Read aloud to Adelle] I got this book because we were reading London Orbital, Sinclairs book about a walk around London in the acoustic footprint of the M25 and didn’t want it to finish. More about that book later. This was a tricky read, with complex sentences that didn’t come out in […]

Book review: Use of weapons – by Iain M Banks

I’m not entirely convinced I understand this book. Partly because I was a bit intermittent reading it so tended to lose the plot a bit, and partly because of its structure – there are basically two related storylines running forward and backward through the book, so everything keeps flipping around and my poor little head […]

Book review: Travels in Dreamland – Phil Patton

This is the first in a series of brief, random and intermittent book reviews… Travels in Dreamland is a peculiar book about Area 51 and its relation to the UFO watching community in America. It describes the birth of the skunkworks, a fascinating and extremely intense lab/research department. There is also a lot of discussion […]