Neil Hopcroft

A digital misfit


Dealing with my fragile hosting

My hosting provider started complaining that I was faulting. Which seemed a bit weird because I was fundamentally the only person using my server, and it isn’t like I was pushing very hard. I figured this was more about upselling me to a service I don’t really need than actual problems. So I started down […]

Gifts from mania

A colleague of mine shared a video with me, and it got me thinking. The video was an interview with Terry Davis, talking about his views on computer programming and his operating system, Temple OS. It is a recording of an interview live streamed from a McDonalds, which includes five minutes of camera phone setup […]

Three score years, less six

Stirred to action by unnerving changes to Facebook acceptable speech policy, something I have been meaning to do for a while is to take up blogging again. This is something that happens from time to time, and something which I miss from the old Livejournal days – I don’t kid myself I can generate the […]

On the nature of virtue…

…or not. Maybe I shouldnt read Plato – that stuff really makes you pedantic. Though I realised, reading another of his dialogs, that my style of argument takes a lot from his reports of Socrates arguments. Anyway, todays adventures werent as exciting as some of the previous ones….I failed to find a post office and […]