Neil Hopcroft

A digital misfit

Event Finder

Adding Osmosis build

To get the event finder build back up to date I need to bring the version of Osmosis it uses up to the latest version. To do this I have added an Osmosis project to the Jenkins CI server. This is a Gradle build publishing to an Artifactory server, requiring installation of the Artifactory plugin […]

Maven Continuous Integration builds

Jenkins CI includes Maven integration, to take advantage of it I have added a main Maven pom.xml build file. To build a set of projects add them as modules and select ‘pom’ packaging. The Maven build then resolves the dependencies among the included projects and builds them in the appropriate order, publishing the results to […]


It turns out that it is not that difficult to convert a project to be built using Maven. Here are the steps I went through: Set up a repository – I’m using Artifactory Set permissions on the repository to allow a user to write to it Get the settings.xml file for Maven configuration Add the […]

Event finder – a revival

Some months ago I did quite a lot of work on a Java EE server to look for events at venues. This was going quite well but being significantly hampered by my poor internet connection – the next stage was to be a massive search and web crawl to collect a lot of data. Now […]