Neil Hopcroft

A digital misfit

Archive for August 2015

Fixing of-ngspice

The of-ngspice project fails with /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lngspice collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status A search for libngspice fails to turn anything up – so perhaps we’re not building the library? Checking the ngspice project output there is no mention of a library there. However, there is a ‘–with-ngshared’ option to configure, which […]

Fixing of-fem-fenics build

The first failure in the restructured octave forge packages is fem-fenics, with: In member function ‘virtual octave_value uBLAS_factory::matrix(const dolfin::Matrix&) const’: error: ‘const class dolfin::Matrix’ has no member named ‘data’ aa = (); ^ make: *** [uBLAS_factory.o] Error 1 There is some discussion about this error, and some of the issues around it, […]

Restructuring the CI build for Octave Forge packages

Following a discussion on the maintainers mailing list about some recent problems with sourceforge, the Octave Forge packages are moving away from the sourceforge version control system. I have, for a while, been thinking about restructuring my octave-packages project. The current structure has two layers, one for the svn code from sourceforge, then a second […]

Build break in dolfin – build 202

This break started with CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:889 (message): Generation of form files failed: sh: ffc: command not found …in build 202, but then a change was made to update the dependencies, requiring ffc version 1.7.0. However the ffc version on the master branch is still 1.6.0, a little searching around shows that the ‘next’ […]