Neil Hopcroft

A digital misfit

The clarity of a well ordered mind^wbuild – octave forge project restructuring progress

Following on from some of my previous planning, I have now created a bunch of new of-* packages. Where the name of package is taken from the git or mercurial repository name, using the of-* naming convention I have set up a page in Jenkins to show only the octave forge packages making it easier to see what is going on with them.

This leads me to successful builds with the majority of packages while a few errors remain:

  • of-fem-fenics
  • of-fixed
  • of-fl-core
  • of-galois
  • of-ltfat
  • of-multi-precision
  • of-ngspice
  • of-odepkg
  • of-optim
  • of-optiminterp
  • of-stk
  • of-video

I will take a closer look at these errors over the next few weeks.
During this move to the new structure I have lost the tests for the installed packages – I’m not quite sure what to do about this yet, I was thinking of setting up a new Jenkins project to run just the tests from the old octave-packages project, but again that seems like it doesn’t really reflect the reality of how changes happen in the code. More thinking needed.

1 comment

  1. Pingback: Fixing of-fem-fenics build | Neil Hopcroft

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