My AWS heavy utilisation instance expired some time ago so I brought down the build server. Now I have a replacement, albeit local network only, running on a Synology NAS.
By default these boxes don’t come with a compiler installed (!?) , so I have had to install Entware, which puts everything in /opt/, nice for separation, but it means a bunch of stuff needs wiring together. This is what I have done:
- Installed Entware
- Installed GCC
- Installed Mercurial
- sudo ln -s /etc/ssl /opt/etc
- Installed Tomcat 7 (Synology package)
- Installed Jenkins
- Created build in Jenkins
- Install libtool-bin
- Install autoconf
- Install automake
At this point the ./bootstrap of Octave would run, but failed with a syntax error in automake – at line 3936. This is in a variable substitution function and *might* be ignorable, so I have commented out the line for the moment. This allows ./bootstrap to run, and, in turn ./configure to run.
However, ./configure now fails with a requirement for a fortran compiler, of which none are installed yet.