I recently had a look at a Xamarin Studio build running on a Mac, with the idea of adding the build to a Jenkins server.
The build originally failed claiming that the Xamarin licence wasn’t valid (it was only a starter licence when the machine had a business licence installed). There are two options to resolve this, either bring the licence to the Jenkins build or make the Jenkins build be the licensed user. I would generally prefer to keep the CI builds under a different user to contain any wayward builds, but in this case we chose to make the Jenkins server run as the licensed user.
The build had already been set up under the jenkins user, so I needed to pull that job into the new users configuration. This was just a question of copying the job files into the new tree.
I didn’t really get my hands dirty with Xamarin itself, it looks like a neat idea, allowing easy writing and subsequent porting of applications from one mobile platform to another.