As I mentioned before the fem-fenics package requires its own whole set of dependencies, a number of which are available on the fenics website. The octave package is an octave interface onto the fenics project, so to test it we need to install fenics.
- To install the octave fem-fenics package we first need to build the code in the fem-fenics/src directory. This causes a configure error
- “error: dolfin required to install Fem-fenics Package”.
- Building the dolfin package:
- “Unable to find the requested Boost libraries.”
- “Could not find a configuration file for package UFC that is compatible with requested version 1.6.0.”
- “Could NOT find Eigen3”
- “Could NOT find PythonLibs”
- “ImportError: No module named ufl.log”
- “ImportError: No module named FIAT.functional”
- “ImportError: No module named instant”
- “CholmodCholeskySolver.cpp:97:17: error: ‘SuiteSparse_long’ was not declared in this scope”
- Building the ffc package:
- “Python 2.7 or higher required, please upgrade.”
- “Unable to find SWIG version 3.0.3 or higher.”
- Building the swig package:
- “yodl2man: Command not found”
- Building the eigen3 package:
- Building the ufl package:
- Building the fiat package:
- Building the instant package:
- Building the SuiteSparse package:
- “/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopenblas”
build dolfin package
sudo yum install boost-devel
build ffc package, which includes the now-deprecated UFC package
build eigen package
I changed python symlink to point to 2.7.9 while python2 symlink remained linked to 2.6.9.
build ufl package
build fiat package
build instant package
Update SuiteSparse to the latest version
Switched symlinks to 2.7
build the swig package
Install yodl, which requires icmake to build
…there are a number of optional packages, which may be required for other packages, so we’ll need a rebuild once everything else is building
…builds without error
…builds without error
…builds without error
Install the latest OpenBLAS package
Pingback: Octave build break: SuiteSparse version | Neil Hopcroft