I’ve taken a look at the stk package following comments from Julien Bect on the maintainers mailing list. The Octave code I have comes from http://www.octave.org/hg/octave and stk code from http://hg.code.sf.net/p/octave/stk, my build is configured to poll for SCM changes and rebuild when a change happens. It’s running on a small AWS instance, so builds can take quite a long time.
The octave package build performs the same steps for all packages:
- update from source control
- uninstall package
- adjust build files
- build c++ code
- build package
- install package
- test package
It seems like this sequence isn’t appropriate for stk. The build error I see is during the build package stage, where it complains “package is missing file: DESCRIPTION”.
Looking more closely there are some instructions in the README file describing the installation process, run skt_init.m in octave. Running this the package installs, but it doesn’t follow the conventions of the other packages and doesn’t show in the list of installed packages.
The stk_init.m file has a setting STK_OCTAVE_PACKAGE = false; which appears to be a mechanism to set the code to install as an uninstallable package, but that isn’t working for me.
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